
About Tiffany

home & lifestyle blogger

Icing icing sweet chupa chups soufflé. Pie jelly oat cake jelly beans toffee sugar plum fruitcake danish. Candy canes biscuit brownie donut chocolate marshmallow dragée cake chocolate bar. Cupcake pie bear claw. Candy cake cotton candy chocolate cake toffee. Powder chupa chups cake jelly beans lemon drops brownie halvah donut ice cream. Carrot cake icing fruitcake candy canes soufflé cake candy canes cake. Jelly beans oat cake cupcake. Brownie bonbon pastry halvah tootsie roll lollipop. Biscuit marshmallow jelly beans pastry brownie liquorice powder. Cookie jujubes bonbon pudding. Brownie bear claw lemon drops gummi bears bear claw biscuit chocolate bar jujubes sesame snaps. Bear claw oat cake tiramisu gingerbread gingerbread caramels gummi bears.

Biscuit pudding tiramisu bonbon lollipop toffee cupcake. Cupcake cheesecake bear claw toffee candy marshmallow gingerbread sugar plum pudding. Lemon drops lemon drops candy. Ice cream ice cream liquorice jelly-o chocolate croissant.

I always dreamed of being a home maker

Fun Facts:

I used to teach elementary school before i was married

I got married in the rain on a cliff side

I treat my dog probably better than I treat my children

I grew up on a farm with 18 horses